Gloria Yip
Yip Wan Yee Gloria
Gloria Yip was Born in Hong Kong (China) and has started her career as a professional actress and singer in 1988.
Her fabulous performance received high praises in Hong Kong ,Japan ,Korea as well as Taiwan.
During her official visits aboard. Gloria encountered with different cultures and her passion for arts ignited since then. After several years of self-learning, she further studied arts of clay craft in Deco Clay Craft Academy in Japan in 1996.
1998 Co-Founder Hong Kong Clay Art Society IN Hong Kong.
Gloria has been promoting clay art culture and has also published several books present clay art in Hong Kong . In 2004, Gloria shifted her interest to ceramics and finished her diploma of Fine Arts in Hong Kong Art School in 2008. And obtained the best Hong Kong Art School Award (Ceramics)in 2008 .She Graduated Bachelor of Arts in Fine Arts in Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology University in 2011 . Those three years at the BA studied ,.Embroidery is her research topic .
An object is the result of the repetition of points and lines ,either in the same or different directions ,which constitute a plane surface .Both embroidery and ceramics are forms of craft and art .What are the possibilities of embroidery in ceramics ,
that very interested project for her.
In Sep ,2013 ,Gloria finished her Master of Art in Fine Arts in Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology University . In Master studied NuShu is my research topic.centering on the cultural and material practices of Nu Shu women,with a particular focus on their singing, written script and weaving. Nu Shu originated from a village in Jiangyong, Hunan Province, China over two hundred years ago. The women in this province had almost no opportunities to receive a formal education. As a consequence, they developed their own language and text as a way to communicate with each other.
Most of my work is mainly feminine and exploratory .I try to seek the value of life for myself, or a reflection of it. In our social world, people have very different moral values. It is not easy to find what the correct value is. People are lost in their mind. The social phenomenon is labeled as different kinds of insanity and they gradually corrode the most important value of life.